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Ad van Velde

Ad van Velde is a dairy farmer in The Netherlands, a country where many generations of farmers have faced and overcome various challenges related to the dairy business.

As President of Global Dairy Farmers, he knows what drives farmers worldwide. With DairyNext, he is able to help all businesses on the dairy chain to grow stronger and become healthier. His worldwide projects, both small and large, include starting up dairy businesses, improving profits and optimizing existing businesses. Being Green Belt Lean certified, he can help businesses to become Lean and efficient.


Susanne Pejstrup

Susanne Pejstrup is DairyNext’s Lean expert. As a Danish authority and agronomist, she has several years’ experience as a consultant to farmers. Working with DairyNext, she can help farmers and dairy producers to develop Lean production processes, and create more value with less work, simply by working smarter. By implementing Lean, dairies are able to increase productivity and profitability.


Derk Vink

Derk Vink is a Dutch veterinarian who lives in Denmark, and is certificated in herd health management. He sees it as his task to find dairy farm bottlenecks, to solve them and prevent them happening again in the future. Furthermore, he has a passion for increasing the profitability of dairy businesses by motivating dairy owners and managers to take the next step in their business.


Gert-Jan Monteny

Gert-Jan Monteny has his roots in the dairy sector. Born and raised on a mixed dairy farm, and educated in the field of agricultural engineering at Wageningen University, he knows what the business is like. Nowadays, his focus is mainly on fields that relate to dairy farm environment (manure, ammonia, greenhouse gases, etc.) and manure handling and processing. In his opinion, an animal does not excrete waste, but an asset that offers a variety of opportunities. As an environmental consultant with projects mostly in South-East Asia, he has already put many of those opportunities into practice. He uses these successes and his knowledge as a source of inspiration for assisting animal husbandry world-wide.


Ralf Lindmayer

Ralf Lindmayer is a business developer from Uruguay who passionately looks at dairy production as a way of life. Ralf believes that continually looking for ways to understand the needs of dairy sectors, combined with innovative and creative ways of solving problems can result in maximizing outcomes. If there is a way, Ralf will find it!


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